In partnership with acclaimed artist Peter Tunney, the Grattitude Bus was designed by entrepreneurs Stephan Cesarini and Doug Akin, both former media and cultural marketing executives who left behind their traditional life's for the open road to foster the spirit of community and inspire all those who crossed their path.
As Generational Pioneers and Cultural Alchemists, their visionary leadership continues to inspire the hearts and minds of millions. Doug was co-founder of Mr. Youth (MRY), the first and largest global social media agency focused on younger generations. Stephan was co-founder of ReachLocal (NASDAQ:RLOC), first and largest global internet advertising agency for local businesses.
The beauty of the Grattitude Bus is the organic manifestations that have uplifted the spirits of thousands coast to coast. In partnership with the 8 Billion Dreams Project, over 10,000 people have declared life dreams aboard the bus.
Stephan interview at Okeechobee festival...
Doug podcast interview on "Are You Being Real"...